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The National Library of India is the largest library located in Belvedere Estate, Alipore, Kolkata, India. It is India's largest library by volume and public record. National Library is under the Ministry of Culture, Government of India. The library is designated to collect, disseminate and preserve printed material produced in India. It is the largest in India with a collection in excess of 2.2 million books. Before independence, it was the official residence of Governor-General of India. The Hindi department has books that date back all the way to the nineteenth century and the first ever books printed in that language. The collections break down and consist of 86,000 maps and 3,200 manuscripts

After independence the Government of India changed the name of the Imperial Library to the National Library, and the collection was transferred from The Esplanade to the present Belvedere Estate. On 1 February 1953 the National Library was opened to the public by Maulana Abul Kalam Azad.

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